
Baby Tortoises for sale

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    Juvenile Elongated Tortoise on a walk Juvenile Elongated Tortoise

    Juvenile Elongated Tortoise

    Elongated Tortoises are a beautiful species with smooth shells that tend to have a caramel to yellowish-brown color with markings. They are native to damp forest areas and tend to be more active in the early morning, before dawn, or after sunset in the...

    MSRP: $449.95
    Was: $329.95
    Now: $269.95
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    Juvenile Hermann's Tortoise Juvenile Hermann's Tortoise

    Juvenile Hermann's Tortoise

    The Juvenile Hermann’s Tortoise is a great tortoise for beginning keepers. The Hermann’s Tortoise is a very hardy herbivore that doesn’t grow too large in size. Adults typically grow to be between 5 in. to 8 in. They are a very...

    MSRP: $689.95
    Was: $469.95
    Now: $269.95
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    Juvenile Red Footed Tortoise Juvenile Red Footed Tortoise

    Juvenile Red Footed Tortoise

    " Geochelone carbonaria " Because of their hardy nature, beauty and ability to adapt, the Red Foot Tortoise is one of the most popular and appropriate tortoise species for beginning keepers. Their black coloring makes a nice, contrasting background for...

    MSRP: $749.95
    Was: $489.95
    Now: $279.95
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    Juvenile Marginated Tortoise Juvenile Marginated Tortoise

    Juvenile Marginated Tortoise

    The Marginated Tortoise is the largest European tortoise on the planet. It is distinguished by it’s shell’s saw-like structure that flanges outward like a bell with an undivided carapace over the tail. The Marginated Tortoise has origins in...

    MSRP: $429.95
    Was: $386.95
    Now: $349.95
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    Holding a baby hermann's tortoise Shop with us for baby Hermann's tortoises!

    Baby Hermann's Tortoise

    Baby Hermann’s Tortoise Testudo hermanni Hermann’s Tortoises are beautiful tortoises that are great for beginning keepers. Hermann’s Tortoises stay fairly small and are hardy tortoises with a really friendly personality. They are...

    MSRP: $489.95
    Was: $429.95
    Now: $369.95
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