
Adult Tortoises for sale

  • Adult Russian Tortoise Eating Adult Russian Tortoise

    Adult Russian Tortoise

    The Russian Tortoise is one of the more popular tortoises because of how hardy the species along with the fact that they never grow to be very large – only about 8 in. at the most. Russian Tortoises have beautiful carapaces with light tan, dark...

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  • Adult Hermanns Tortoise Adult Hermanns Tortoise

    Adult Hermanns Tortoise

    Adult Hermann’s Tortoises have a lot of appeal because of their size and easy-care requirements. The Hermann’s Tortoise is a hardy species that doesn’t require the detailed care of some of our other tortoises. It is an herbivore and...

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  • Juvenile Marginated Tortoise Juvenile Marginated Tortoise

    Juvenile Marginated Tortoise

    Overview: The Marginated Tortoise is the largest species of the Mediterranean tortoises and is known for its distinctive flared shell edges. Native to Greece and surrounding regions, these hardy tortoises thrive in warm, dry climates and are excellent...

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